Old Friend, Random Bits
Not that he's OLD, per se ... but I unexpectedly got the chance to see an old friend today. He used to live in the States a few years ago, stayed for a year or two and went to college. He's the same age as my sister, and knows my parents and my cousins. He came back to Korea three years ago and has been here since, working hard and being a good kid. I took his picture for posterity and as proof, so I could post it (so my parents could see).
I'm a little loopy because I'm still at work, and it's been a confusing kind of day. The good news is, I went to the immigration office this morning and I got my foreigner registration card! I am now officially registered and legally able to reside in this country and whatnot.
(My registration card, by the way, is a little different from the Alien Registration Card (ARC) that the English teachers receive. I wonder if the cards are different depending on what kind of visa one has? Mine's not as colorful and fun as the ARCs are, which is kind of a bummer.)
The bad news is, I got a late start to my day because of my trek to immigrations. It's been a busy day at work, with meetings all over the place, random issues that keep popping up, and irate people to deal with. It's been a little annoying, but I think I'm finally in the groove. I still don't completely mesh with my co-workers, but it's much better now.
The random news is, I think I'm going to China in a couple weeks. One of the movies that the company's working on is a Chinese film, and I think we're going to visit the director. I'm useful for Chinese movies because all the communication is done in English, since there are crews in China, Hong Kong, and Korea, and English is the common denominator. No definite plans yet, but visiting new places is always good.
The fun news is, before China (the weekend before going to China, actually), I'm going to Daegu (대구) to see the sights and visit William, with plans to judge passersby passed on their appearance and eat lots of good food. It's going to be a fun weekend-- I'm finally going to leave Gyeonggi (경기) and explore more of Korea. (For such a small country, I'm having a hard time traversing around.)
It's past 10:30 and I'm still at work (in a conference room, actually). I'm just trying to hang on until the blessedly long weekend (thank you, 추석!), when I'll get to sleep to my heart's content.
Horrible blog posts lately, I know. I'll try to do better!
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