Wednesday, July 01, 2009

R.I.P. Jaime Norman

Jaime Norman Sheldon was a colleague of mine from "His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass."

We worked together for a hellish nine months, through endless hours and countless cups of coffee.

She had been planning her wedding during our "Compass" days and I met her then-fiance, Eric, a few times.

Because we didn't work together after "Compass," we lost touch and didn't speak much, other than the occasional Facebook message.

I got home from work at 7:00 a.m. this morning. Being restless and cranky, I didn't actually go to sleep until around 9:30. I woke up a scant four hours later to e-mails (which I get on my Blackberry) and text messages about Jaime.

She had given birth to her son recently and passed away this morning due to the flu.

I am shocked. To have a baby is such joyous news, but to be followed by the death of that baby's mother ... my heart goes out to her family, and especially to the oblivious boy that will never know his mother.

Jaime, you will be sorely missed.


Unknown July 31, 2009 at 12:46 PM  

I'm a reporter with the Marin Independent Journal. I'm trying to reach Eric Sheldon, Jaime's husband, to find out if Jaime received antivirals immediately at Marin General Hospital and whether she was originally misdiagnosed. I can be reached at (415) 382-7273.