Monday, April 23, 2012


Oy vey. My blog is falling wayside due to my hectic schedule! Some quick photos:

A cute tree frog that we met in Tully, just near Mission Beach in Queensland, Australia. The weather didn't do us any favors, but we muddled through.

And this froggie made me feel a little better-- such a pretty color, this guy! I didn't hold him (are you crazy?!) but I probably would have if I had seen him for longer than five minutes.
My anti-volcano dust outfit on Yasur, a volcano in the South Pacific. I can't even begin to describe how much volcanic dust and dirt that I swallowed in two days!

More blogging to come, I promise. I'm just so tired-- after 30+ hours of traveling yesterday (Saturday) going into Sunday, I went home for one night before getting up at the crack of dawn (again) to get to the airport early in the morning for a very long flight.

I'm done with layovers and airports for a while. Whew.

There's six hours of difference between Korea and Latvia, so I'm ready to drop right now (it's only 11:30!) but I can't, because we're meeting and planning for tomorrow. Sighs all around, way to make a Monday even less enjoyable.

Once things settle (definitely by mid-May), I'm sure to be a better blogger.