Keto Meringues
So weird having a blog that patiently waits for me and doesn't pressure me into writing!
Blogging to log this somewhat momentous occasion- I baked!
I've been doing fake keto for a little over a year now. I always just sort of scroll through Instagram, and I landed on this image from Smitten Kitchen:
It seemed simple enough, and I've always liked meringues. It rained here in Busan yesterday (so cold still, gah!), so today, I made these meringues with some changes to make them keto:
Keto Meringues
egg whites 2
salt 1/4 tsp
True Lemon 1 packet (used instead of cream of tartar)
stevia to taste
xanthan gum 1/8 tsp
walnuts 20 g chopped
sugar-free dark chocolate chips 50 g
Whip egg whites, then add stevia and True Lemon and whip some more.
Add xantham gum and whip until medium peaks form (Deb says to whip to soft peaks, but she's using real sugar and I'm using fake sugar, so I did medium-- really, they were almost stiff peaks).
Fold in walnuts and dark chocolate, spoon onto parchment paper, and bake at 150 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes. I flipped the baking sheet after 15 minutes because my wee oven heats really lopsidedly.
They were really good! And yes, I ate every single one. No shame.
(I actually used two packets of True Lemon in mine, and they were too lemon-y, so for future reference, one packet is enough.)
Pretty dang keto, too!
I used much less chocolate than Deb did, and I don't regret it at all. The meringues were very squishy on the inside but crackly and crisp on the outside.
I want to get into blogging again, since I'm not working, but we'll see....